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Presentation Skills Certification

Acuity Institute’s Presentation Skills Certification online course teaches the foundational skills of adult learning, experiential learning, how to structure a presentation, and engage people in a way that enables the achievement of the objectives and intended outcomes.

One of the most important skills for all business professionals is the ability to present. Whether you are facilitating a team meeting, brainstorming session, leadership meeting, presentation, or training, this course will help you to properly build your presentation approach, engage your audience and evaluate the impact of the outcomes. This course delivers best practices from leading experts in a practical and simple way.

We recommend this course to facilitators, consultants, project managers (i.e. PMP, Green Belts, Black Belts, and Master Black Belts), supervisors, trainers, learning and development professionals, and anyone who wants to learn the secrets of how to engage people and achieve objectives within a facilitated session.


This course includes:

No prerequisites required

Key outcomes

Course description

Acuity Institute’s courses are conducted online and use a multi-media format that includes audio from experts, examples of successful performance improvement, interactive simulations and quizzes, and the most current and robust tools and techniques available. This is a “self-paced” online course and can be accessed at any time—and—anywhere, which provides the most flexibility in completing the course. Learners have three months to complete the course. On average, learners complete the course in approximately 10 hours.

We also provide learners with our Presentation Skills Toolkit, which includes 13 templates from the course to help with planning presentations and sessions. Some of the templates include: Key Characteristics of Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire, Pre-Facilitation Analysis Checklist, Body Language Tips and Techniques, and more.

Download the syllabus

Download the syllabus to view a complete overview of the course content.
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Certification requirements

To achieve your Acuity Institute Presentation Skills certification, you must:

  1. Complete the Online Lessons
  2. Successfully pass the online lesson quizzes

Here's what learners had to say about this course


For many of Acuity’s courses, we have assembled a Toolkit, which contains a complete, user-friendly set of the templates included in the course. The toolkit assists practitioners in keeping focused on their project work and not creating “templates”. For ease of use, the templates can be downloaded directly to your computer and are yours to keep and utilize in future projects. The templates have been developed in common formats (MS Word, MS Excel or MS PowerPoint).