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Lean Professional Certification

Acuity Institute’s Lean Professional online course provides participants with a structured approach to managing Lean projects in Service and Manufacturing environments and helps you learn how to sustain these improvements.

Many of today’s organizations are placing a great deal of emphasis to implement Lean in the workplace because they have realized that a Lean business produces just what is needed when it is needed with no additional labor, costs, or time, resulting in bottom-line savings for the organization. If you have been charged with implementing Lean, it is important to ensure you apply the best practices and top tools and techniques when initiating and managing Lean projects. This can be especially challenging when working in service environments such as healthcare, financial services, and insurance.


This course includes:

No prerequisites required

Key outcomes

Course description

Acuity Institute’s courses are conducted online and use a multi-media format that includes audio from experts, examples of successful performance improvement, interactive simulations and quizzes, and the most current and robust tools and techniques available. This is a “self-paced” online course and can be accessed at any time—and—anywhere, which provides the most flexibility in completing the course. Learners have two months to complete the course. If a learner spends 10 hours per week on this course, it can be completed in about 5 weeks.

Included in this course is Acuity Institute’s Simulated Lean Project. The simulation is based on a hypothetical service/transactional company that faces many of the same problems companies are dealing with today. The simulation is designed to illustrate the entire business improvement effort through every phase of the Lean FOCUS™ Improvement Methodology. Students complete 26 challenging exercises (project deliverables) which build on previously learned tools and concepts taught in training. When complete, students have a significant perspective on what a true Lean project deployment means and a tangible “project story” that they can utilize throughout their Lean journey.

At Acuity, we recognize that not every individual has the opportunity to complete an actual Lean project while completing training. The simulated project helps to build the students’ understanding of the concepts taught in training and provides practical application of the tools. Students complete the course better prepared to apply what they have learned in the real world.

We also provide learners with our Lean Professional Toolkit, which includes 24 templates from the Lean improvement methodology. Some of the templates include: Lean Charter, Product Family Matrix, Time Study, 8 Wastes, 5 S, Lead Time Reduction, FMEA, Kaizen Event Agenda, Action List and more.

Download the syllabus

Download the syllabus to view a complete overview of the course content.
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Certification requirements

To achieve your Acuity Institute Lean Professional certification, you must:

  1. Complete the Online Lessons and Quizzes
  2. Complete the Simulated Project Deliverables and Tollgate Reviews
  3. Successfully pass the Lean Professional Exam

Students will have two attempts to successfully pass the exam (80% or higher). The exam is open-book and administered online, with a maximum of 2 hours to complete. Students may use any reference materials to complete the exam — including training manuals, project materials, etc.

Here's what learners had to say about this course

Simulated Projects

At Acuity Institute, we recognize that not every individual has the opportunity to complete an actual project while completing training; therefore, we have created real world simulated projects that takes students from the beginning to the end of a problem and solution using the methodology trained in the course. The simulated project helps to build the student’s understanding of the concepts taught in training and provides practical application of the tools and methodology. Students complete the course better prepared to apply what they have learned in the real world.

The simulation is based on a hypothetical company that faces many of the same problems companies are dealing with today. Students complete challenging exercises and tollgate weviews which build on previously learned tools and concepts taught in training. When complete, students have a significant perspective on what true business improvement means and a tangible “project story” that they can utilize throughout their process improvement journey.

There is no comparison for these simulations in the marketplace today. No other provider offers a more comprehensive project simulation such as ours which includes numerous project deliverables, challenging analysis, and project tollgate reviews.


For many of Acuity’s courses, we have assembled a Toolkit, which contains a complete, user-friendly set of the templates included in the course. The toolkit assists practitioners in keeping focused on their project work and not creating “templates”. For ease of use, the templates can be downloaded directly to your computer and are yours to keep and utilize in future projects. The templates have been developed in common formats (MS Word, MS Excel or MS PowerPoint).