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Lean Foundations Certification

Acuity Institute’s Lean Foundations Certification online course provides participants with a curated set of Lean skills to execute Lean improvements.

Whether you are new to the concept of utilizing Lean or are a team member who is going to be working on Lean projects in the workplace, this course will help you learn the foundation that Lean is built on. The course will also show you how you can apply Lean techniques by utilizing some of the most common tools so you can confidently begin your journey with applying Lean to improve processes.


This course includes:

No prerequisites required

Key outcomes

Course description

Acuity Institute’s courses are conducted online and use a multi-media format that includes audio from experts, examples of successful performance improvement, interactive simulations and quizzes, and the most current and robust tools and techniques available. This is a “self-paced” online course and can be accessed at any time—and—anywhere, which provides the most flexibility in completing the course. Learners have two months to complete the course.

We also provide learners with our Lean Fundamentals Toolkit, which includes various templates for your use in implementing delivering projects. The Toolkit includes easy-to-use templates for: Define Customer Value, Spaghetti Diagram, 8 Wastes, 5 S, and Error Proofing.

Many Lean initiatives fail because people do not know where to start or how to sustain improvements. Lean looks at reducing waste and improving flow in an organization. A Lean business produces just what is needed when it is needed, with no additional labor, costs, or time — resulting in bottom-line savings. We recommend this program to individuals interested in an introduction to Lean and seeking to apply the common Lean tools and concepts in their workplace.

Download the syllabus

Download the syllabus to view a complete overview of the course content.
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Certification requirements

To achieve your Acuity Institute Lean Foundations certification, you must:

  1. Complete the Online Lessons and Quizzes
  2. Successfully pass the Lesson Quizzes

Here's what learners had to say about this course


For many of Acuity’s courses, we have assembled a Toolkit, which contains a complete, user-friendly set of the templates included in the course. The toolkit assists practitioners in keeping focused on their project work and not creating “templates”. For ease of use, the templates can be downloaded directly to your computer and are yours to keep and utilize in future projects. The templates have been developed in common formats (MS Word, MS Excel or MS PowerPoint).