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Association for Change Management Professionals

Acuity Institute is approved as a Qualified Education Provider (QEP) for the Association for Change Management Professionals

Acuity Institute was approved as a QEP beginning in 2015. The approval process focuses on the quality of Acuity Institute’s Change Management Certification program and how it aligns with the ACMP Standard for Change Management©. (The Standard) and adult education best practices.

The Standard includes:

  • Establishes a common understanding of the discipline of change management to help leaders and practitioners achieve and sustain change objectives.
  • Outlines generally accepted practices, processes, tasks, and activities used by change management practitioners across multiple roles, organizations, and industries.
  • Provides a clear and consistent vocabulary of essential change management terminology.
  • Offers guidance for organizational change management for any type of change.
  • Supports organization decision-making regarding change management resources.

For our students seeking ACMP’s Certified Change Management Professional™ (CCMP™) certification, taking our QEP course will ensure a quicker review process for your application as well as help you prepare for the related CCMP exam.

Acuity’s Change Management courses include:

Association of Change Management Professionals.